Sunday, 13 February 2011

English people talk about the weather

I've been enjoying the weather for the past couple of days. Unfortunately it's been bitter and cold, which isn't so nice, even though I'm more used to it now, but it's been brighter and sunnier than I've ever seen it in Turku. There's still a lot of snow on the ground, but I really like how bright sunshine makes it sparkle, like someone poured silver glitter all over it. The sky has been really clear and blue; all weekend we've been lucky with lovely weather.
Another good thing is that it's staying lighter for longer now. On Friday and Saturday I saw the sun going down around 5.30, and the sky looked so lovely. There was so much colour, and it's much nicer than all the days that have been dark, grey, and depressing, and so much better than when it's dark really early. The weather here does tend to be a bit depressing, especially for someone who's not used to it. Everyone thinks of my country as being very grey and miserable, but they should see winter in Finland. We're definitely nowhere near the end of winter but I'm happy that the weather seems to be brighter and lighter. Maybe I'm appreciating it more because I'm going out and doing more things than I have for the past few weeks.
Tomorrow will be a busy day - Emmi and I are going to attempt to sort out some benefits/jobs and financial stuff for me from työvoimatoimisto and kela. I've been warned that this could be a stressful and lengthy process, but for now I'm choosing to remain optimistic...


  1. Hi! Found your blog via FinlandForum.
    It´s very nice to see a foreign perspective on this country, and I´m glad you´re settling in! :) I just came back from living one year in Australia and it was pretty full on to get used to snow again, haha. Thank god it´s getting lighter now hey, but it sucks that it has to be so cold again!! Hopefully spring will be here soon, and summer when its light 24/7, yeah!
    I´m sure everything will work out for you, take one day at a time. You seem very stubborn and that´s a good quality i rekon :)

    I do photography a lot so feel free to check my blog (it´s in swedish though). I live in Pietarsaari so if you ever come up here let me know :) Cheers

  2. Thank you! some of the photos you have are really nice, I liked the make up ones. Obviously the text meant nothing to me...but I do usually read cooking instructions in Swedish because it's a lot easier to make sense of than the Finnish x
