Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Friends wanted

I need friends here. Whenever I've gone to a new place I've been in uni, so everyone needed new friends and it was easy. For the first year I lived in London one of my best friends was a girl who started chatting to me at a bus stop. Once you have a few friends it's much easier to make more.
Obviously this time it's different. The one friend I've made is a middle-aged bouncer who's married with two kids, so I'm not likely to go hang out with him. I was hoping more for people below 30. I'm friends with Jussi's friends, but I'd also like my own friends.
So...if you live in Turku, think I sound lovely (which you do, of course), and would like to look after me, please leave a comment, find me on Facebook if we have mutual friends, email me...just make yourself known. Serial killers and psychopaths need not apply. I promise I'm nice, I like being taught new Finnish words, and I'd really like someone to talk to here. My friends are very far away, Jussi is at work all day, and I'm very lonely.
I hope this doesn't sound desperate. And if no one responds I'm going to look like such a tool...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tamsin!
    I didn't know how to write this without sounding either extremely stupid or creepy, so I thought I'd just leave my email address in case you are still lacking friends.
    I'm 22 yo girl from Turku, and I wouldn't mind helping you to sort things out and get you more used to our country :)
    If interested, please contact southernelephantseal@gmail.com, and I will tell you more about myself and how I found this blog. Take care!
